Provided Services
Laser TherapyA treatment for pain from inflammation due to rheumatoid arthritis, chronic neck pain, joint disorders, and other orthopedic conditions.
Manual TherapyManipulation of soft tissues and joints to relieve pain and improve stability and movement with OMPT (Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy).
TapingThe application of Kinesio tape has been used in the healthcare industry for over 20 years and has recently become very popular with professional athletes. Therapeutic Kinesio tape is applied to weak joints and muscle areas to help improve performance, reduce swelling, arthritis, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, ligament strains and more...
Redcord ExercisesGBFPT is the first clinic in Massachusetts to offer Redcord training to treat weak or injured muscles. Redcord is a revolutionary exercise technique that uses core strength to correct muscle imbalances and pain. Redcord’s unique setup of slings and bands suspends the body in safe, stable, and controlled positions designed to stimulate inactive muscles and strengthen the body’s core muscles. Engaging in these exercises can improve balance, promote joint stability, and lead to better range of motion, which can prevent future muscle injuries and discomfort. See for more details.
Nuromuscular Re-educationNeuromuscular reeducation is a general term that refers to techniques that attempt to retrain the neuromuscular system to function properly. The basis of this idea is that the formation of certain patterns of communication between muscles and nerves allow people to perform simple everyday acts such as climbing stairs. These normal patterns of movement can be disrupted by injuries or may be impaired in people with certain medical conditions. The general aim is either to re-establish normal patterns of movement in injured people or to create normal patterns of movement in disabled people, by practicing a variety of exercises.
Balance and Fall PreventionThis is to help individuals experiencing balance difficulties regain strength and improve their balance, as a result, reducing their risk of suffering a fall and following injuries.